Presentation Dreamlaser
Technical production


Virtual studio: skater-dolly for dynamics, RedSpy for AR and Resolume for keying
Virtual studio: skater-dolly for dynamics, RedSpy for AR and Resolume for keying

The idea of creating a virtual studio in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin came up in the beginning of the self-isolation period as a solution for quick notification of citizens of the city life during the pandemic. It took less than a month to go live since the first engineering design.

In the process of studio development dreamlaser technical department faced several non-typical tasks. One of them was the problem of real-time object keying with dynamic camera: zoom-in/zoom-out, side movements.

Initially the task was solved using a disguise server, Notch environment, vMix keying and a standard Full HD camera, but this mixture brought a rather significant loss in the content quality. Next test runs combined Unreal and Resolume, but the best result was achieved after installing additional lights and switching over to the new Blackmagic URSA Broadcast camera.

As the studio was developed on a tight schedule and had to be located in the room, which was not designed for TV broadcasts, there was another challenging task of creating a flat-level solid floor to obtain a “clear” picture and ensure smooth skater-dolly movement. To solve it a “chamber” of Layher structures was built serving both as a chroma key cyclorama and a base for mounting an ideally flat podium for the studio host and guests. This podium became the only physical item in virtual broadcasts.

During the 2 months of its existence more than 70 live broadcasts were held in the studio, for which dreamlaser designers created dozens of virtual stages and news upgrades. To allow hosts and guests moving freely within virtual environment sType RedSpy system was used. This smart tracking solution allows image perspective following the camera angle and maintaining continuous presence effect.

Besides, captions, various virtual objects required for visualization of information, as well as pop-up windows of online broadcasts and Zoom, Viber and BKC Cisco connections, were implemented within the frame along with the 3D space with dynamic perspective.

At present the dreamlaser proven virtual studio creation technology includes the minimum set of tools (HD camera, chroma key, sTtype RedSpy, disguise server) and may be very quickly set up in a room of almost any configuration. This type of studio allows holding live programs, broadcasts and online conferences with minimum personnel involved on site.