Presentation Dreamlaser
Technical production


«GRAVITY :: O» installation special for Lexus Russia
«GRAVITY :: O» installation special for Lexus Russia

Spring always comes back. Nature is cyclical, as is life, but you need time to enjoy every moment, because the "cycle" is not equal to the "repeat".

This idea can be traced in the movie "Spring, summer, autumn, winter ... and spring again" by korean film director Kim Ki-duk and also inspired the Signatura team to iimplement the "Gravity ::" project in collaboration with Nikola Melnikov and dreamlaser.

“Gravity ::” is an opportunity to go on a journey to oneself, a journey to the very starting point, the places of “ringing silence”. This project combines lake landscapes, mirror sphere and laser projection, and opens the viewer to new facets of the synergy of art and nature.

4 shoots are planned in the scenery of 4 seasons In 2020, but for now we want to show you how the project began. This is a pilot version of "Gravity ::0".

Сreated & produced Signatura
Music Nikola Melnikov
Laser visuals -.618
Tech support dreamlaser
Special thanks to Lexus Russia